Kundalini Reiki™ Millennium
Possibly the simplest healing and self-development system that exists!
Received directly from Ole Gabrielsen.
Includes these additional energies: Balance Reiki, Diamond Reiki, Crystalline Reiki, DNA Reiki, Birth Trauma Reiki, Location Reiki, and Past Life Reiki.
You will be attuned to all of these as well.
No! There are no prerequisites for taking this. You do not need any experience in healing work or Reiki, hence the beauty of this system. It is open to all.
You will receive:
Kundalini Reiki Millennium PDF manual to download straight after purchase.
I will then email you when your attunement is ready with the following:
The email will be sent as soon as possible (Mon-Fri)
1 x Kundalini Reiki Millennium attunement
(This attunement energy also includes: Balance Reiki, Diamond Reiki, Crystalline Reiki, DNA Reiki, Birth Trauma Reiki, Location Reiki, and Past Life Reiki.)
Instructions on how to receive your attunement
An emailed signed certificate with lineage
You will receive instructions on how to receive in the email I send you after your purchase.
The email will be sent as soon as possible (Mon-Fri).
Attunements enable us to enhance and accelerate our spiritual development at a rate we are unable to achieve on our own.
I have written a blog post explaining this topic in depth.
Please click below to be taken to the article.
What is an attunement and how can it help your spiritual growth?
The word kundalini is derived from the Sanskrit word kundal, meaning “coiled up.”
In the majority of us, this energy lies dormant until awakened.
Kundalini is the ultimate life force.
It is a creative power or divine feminine energy. Put simply, it is our “inner fire”.
Once awakened, spiritual realization results from the transformations that it produces.
Kundalini refers to an energy that is coiled at the base of the spine, at the Base Chakra.
Many awaken the Kundalini energy or Kundalini Fire through practices such as Kundalini yoga, hatha yoga, and tantra.
When we activate this energy, it flows within us resembling the wavy shape of a serpent: curving from the base of the spine, into the gut, then into the heart and out of the head.
Reiki means “Universal life energy”.
During a Reiki attunement, different energy centres (Chakras) and energy channels are opened/strengthened.
You can then “switch on” the energy, just by intention.
Reiki can also be used on animals, situations, plants, water, etc.
Furthermore, it is possible to accelerate your personal development process by opening the Kundalini.
The Kundalini Reiki Millennium system is passed on as 1 attunement.
In the new Kundalini Reiki Millenium, an additional 2 energy channels are now further activated!
Like a tuning fork, the DNA begins to sing along with the awakened Kundalini and becomes activated.
As a result, this will help activate hidden gifts, our true potential, and talents from the DNA, forgotten memories and talents from past lives.
Via the attunement, your Chakras, your main energy channel, and your energetic connection to Earth will be cleansed and enhanced.
Yes. as this is based on Usui Reiki, you can then receive Lightarian Reiki, but you must do the Buddhic Boost before levels I & II, which is included in the course price.
I have received this from Ole Gabrielsen directly in 2021.
I have also received many different versions of Kundalini Reiki previously with Ole as well since 2012!
The well known medical symbol Caduceus (also called the Staff of Hermes) carries the hidden meaning of the Kundalini Awakening!
The staff itself represents the Kundalini channel (Sushumna).
The head of the staff represents the crown chakra and the wings represent freedom and liberation! The 2 snakes represent the double-stranded DNA.
DNA is the physical representation of the Awakened Kundalini energy.
The number behind the attunement name was the previous version number.
It was originally intended to follow the years, but as energy is shifting and rising quickly, it's now simply a version number, not connected to the year it seems to represent.
So basically Kundalini Reiki 2026 is a stronger version of Kundalini Reiki 2025.
The Millennium version is the most up to date attunement there is.
This is the most up to date version of Kundalini Reiki.
The price is the same for new clients as well as those who would like an upgrade as the energy is the same.
Yes, after being attuned, you will become a Master/Teacher and will be able to pass this on to others.
This is not a replacement for any medical treatment.
If a person is seeking a medical diagnosis and treatment, they should see a medical doctor.